with vids of her talking about the war in Iraq being God's work/
That Alaska will be a place of refuge when the 'rapture' happens.
Talking in Tongues.
And all the stuff that Troutfishing has been posting.
Others have had diaries about this same issue.
This is simply a head's up diary and no links to the CNN story available until the transcripts are posted.
I consider it a major break though and CNN is crediting the BLOGS for covering this story.
UPDATE: CNN lead with Randi Kaye covering the Palin-Third Wave Church story. They are now running Jessica Yellin reporting the GOP spin on the story.
Rick Sanchez was showing his TWITTER responses to Randi Kaye's report but has stopped.
My guess is they are getting pressure to not show Randi Kaye's report.
Feedback link to CNN: http://www.cnn.com/...
Ask them to show both Randi Kaye's and Jessica Yellin's reports at the same time for fairness. Let the viewer decide.
Update II: Blitzer just previewed his topics. This story is one of the three teasers he threw out.
Update III: KO is now on this story as well as "The Original Mavericks"...
UPDATE IV: For the record the Original Mavericks were "living on Jacks and Queens"
Theme song from Maverick starring James Garner and Jack Kelley http://www.youtube.com/...
UPDATE V: Rachel also covered this story.